
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tim Eyman says "Leave it as it is!" with initiative 1033

What a cap on government spending? No way! Personally , I think it is a great idea. I support the concept limiting new spending to match the percentages of growth for an area...To a point. The real problem with Tim Eyman's initiative 1033 is that right now, our State sucks! Our budget is running under its needed threshold. Our services are all short. There will be no improvements generated keeping our budgets under par.
Across the state we are cutting back on parks, teachers, human services and more. The State of Washington is lowering the bar in so many areas that taxpayers will be forced to pay in other ways. As it is the school budgets are so tight, that some schools have gone to "All Walking". They do not even care what age the children are. My friend has a six year old expected to make the mile long trek, down roads without shoulders or sidewalks. Here parents are paying their school taxes, only to have to use more money to deliver their children to the school. Frankly, that is Bull!
It would seem that, Tim Eyman wants the schools to perform at a level where the students fail to gain an education. Class sizes and expansion for example. As it stands right now the schools are limited to class sizes that can not multiply by 4%. They have to go up by a full room and a full teacher at a time. If a class is to have 30 students and 5 more move into that class, the school can not buy a sixth of a classroom teacher. Lower testing scores make another example. As it is, the Everett school district is performing below standard in a few places, and has done so for two years running. So is it the right answer to freeze the school system's income below par, and always keep them under funded? NO!
Public services have been cut as well. The State has set up a system to attempt dumping the disabled on the federal government as soon as possible. People with a disability can still get aid, provided they are in step to get S.S.I. . Most people will be declined for S.S.I. . The system is designed that way. I have known people that have applied for years, only to hire attorneys and be approved in months.
The Washington Economy was largely fueled by the housing market. The sad thing is that, right now, Seattle and Vegas are the two lowest (big) cities for housing market improvement. Both of these cities have had a steady decline in house values, while other cities are very slowly recovering. Are the incomes of the state not directly related to sales tax? Do new home sales not generate a large percentage of the states income?
In order to improve on Washington State We have to strive to be a better place to live. Both now and in the future. That is what brings in population and CASH FLOW! In our current fiscal crisis, we are at the bottom of our game. We have nothing to gain in any set up intended to keep even with inflation and expansion.
There will be no improvements generated keeping our budgets under par. There needs to be a better way and I 1033 is NOT it.

Will somebody please buy Tim Eyman a Sim City Game? Maybe he can practice screwing up a virtual state before he screws this one up!


  1. way to go you took the hook. the government always hits us where it hurts schools,police, fire sations,parks,etc
    why didn't they legalize marajuana, sell unneeded state accesss,lay of the excess government form filers, take pay holidays for the top officials, stop going to japan and china to exchange flowers,go to paperless balets, charge tolls on the roads in seattle,etc. the bottom line is if they hit us where it hurts we will give the government even more money and control. get a council of small business people envolved they are asked to make a living with nothing. surely they could balance this budget asap

  2. There is no doubt there is room for reform. Lots of room for reform. Unfortunately, all of the points you made were valid.

    Government scare tactics are always the route they take. Several of your revenue generating ideas are good ideas.

    Stopping spending in a ton of areas are a great idea. One of Seattle's Mayor elects has come out and suggested trimming many programs of their individual human resource departments, and I.T. departments. Both of which are on track with your suggestions.

    That still should not be accomplished by forcing each city to be on a struggling budget. The removal of redundant services should create surplus, not balance.

    I see where many people feel the blank check does not motivate spending reform. I do not support a blank check either. I only claim that Tim Eyman's proposal is self destructive and will cause greater problems for the area.

    Any proposal limiting funding, to the city or State, needs to be much more thought out than this one is.



Washington everett Barack Obama Obama Snohomish County criminal drugs police presence United States congress crime dangerous medical insurance new world order officer police budget stolen American freedoms Christopher Monfort Darwinism Julian Assange Oxycontin Police T-mobile collapse credit card drug everett ave first degree manslaughter freedoms government subsidies health care heroin immunity killed meth mexico money morals moto blur motorolla parenting prison rape reform school seattle sex shootings tactics war wikki leaks wilsons deli 10 Basic AIG Afghanistan America Arlan Hatloe Assassinated Balloon Bank of America Barack Bikini Baristas Boy Brenton California Capital punishment Chrysler Class sizes Colorado County D.C. Sniper Dodge Charger Police Cars Enumclaw FCC Falcon Firearm GMAC General Motors Gun safety Happy Horseman Harley Davidson Police Heene JP Morgan Chase James Tate Jeremy John Allen Muhammad Lake Stevens Lason Lee Boyd Malvo Lindsey Malvo Mayfield Muhammad NO I 1033 Nobel Nobel peace Nobel prize October 31st 2009 Percocet Police shooting Prostitution Redmond Rhonda Bremond Richard Rucker Rush Limbaugh S.M.A.R.T. Safety Rules Silver Lake Simpsons Snohomish South Park Tim Eyman Vicodin addiction adult industry alaskan way alfy's alternatives to bullets bailout banned bed bestiality blooded budget buy cartoon casino road cell children clark park cliq cold conspiracy coverage credit bill cuts days inn deadly force death debtors defaulted loans dies discussions disease dog fighting dogs die dope dress code driver effects employment epidemic espresso evil expelled fell fencing fines fool free free expression free speech gay adoption gay marriage gay rights government government mandated gps grand ave helium help honesty hookers how to wire a three way idiot interpol investigation involved jail jobs law enforcement legalized gambling light loan shark lost made in usa mandated methadone nascar needle sticks non leathal officer involved shooting oil opiates oxycodone parks pasties pay for sex peace phone pitt bulls police chase poverty level power prestigious award prize pro choice problem products property prostitute rights risk safety safeway salary caps schizophrenic serious sex with animals sexual retreat sharps shooter shooting side stands suicide superior court suppression tar tax payers taxes wasted teach children teen sexuality telephone theft three way switch topless barista town hall tracking trade transmission transportation two switches use used needles viaduct video view vigilante wa walking weed withdrawal world world power