
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DEATH BY BUNGA BUNGA! The Happy Horsemen of Washington, caught in Tennessee!

In 2005 James Tate was arrested for trespassing because it was the only charge that would stick. The police originally arrested James Tate under investigation of homicide. He became under fire when one day he dropped off his friend at a local hospital, to have him checked out. When he arrived he was already dead. He died slowly over the course of five hours of extreme abdominal bleeding.(Shoulda thought that over huh?) The gentleman had a punctured rectum due to receiving anal sex from a full sized horse. Now it has been made illegal. I wonder why the state felt the need to do that.

My understanding of the story is rather off, because I had a hard time following the documentary. I did gather most of the story, I just had a hard time keeping the main characters straight. Then again, they had a hard time keeping themselves straight as well. It seems that James Tate worked a farm with Mr. H( a rather successful ex- Boeing Employee gone Happy Horseman) They met on a farm, in Enumclaw, Washington ,owned by a gentleman and his wife. Although the couple owned the farm, they were rarely there. One of the men in control of the farm started throwing parties there on the farm. Some how word spread about the things that were going down on the farm. ( Not just Country Girls and Boys that's for sure)

The Happy Horsemen were not just happy. They literally loved their horses. A love that could only be understood by a comparison. Have you ever loved somebody so much you just wanted to give them pleasure. Some how this farm became a big place for all sorts of bestiality. People were coming from around the freaking globe to get their freak on with the unknown.

Needless to say, even with James Tate's friend, dieing of getting butt slammed, by a stalion; The sick S.O.B. kept right on humping other species of animals. It seems, just last week, the guy was arrested on three felony counts of sex with animals. This happened in of all places, Tennessee. The thing that really gets me is, that up until this guy died in Enumclaw, Horse sex was legal in Washington State. (Or at least it wasn't illegal) Yet the record seems to show they do not tolerate that in the state of Tennessee. James Tate was video taping these animal orgies to post on the internet, and drew a crowd of sick , horny, animal humpers.

When the guy left Washington to start over back in Tennessee, he started right back where he left off. He posted horse humping videos, to show the ranch he operated, as a sexual retreat, for equine lovers everywhere.

So finally to my point. I honestly believe that every law made is just one more right taken away from American citizens. Mr. H. died doing the animal he loved. Hey, more power to him. I guess it might be illegal to commit suicide. I do not care how you look at it. Getting screwed by a horse sounds like an intentional death(suicide). I wonder why they could not prosecute Mr. Tate under the assisted suicide laws, that were already in effect, in Washington State. This is Darwinism at its finest. The guy died because he was not smart enough to avoid a hazard. Or for that matter; He was incapable of pro-creating. I really do not think it should be illegal to get humped by a horse for the simple fact that, people like that, will most likely end up dead anyways. Let em go! Save the people that want to live! Let the others receive, DEATH BY "BUNGA, BUNGA!"

What do you think? Feel free to post! Come on, Please!

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