
Saturday, October 31, 2009

A sexual Columbine in California--One 15 yr old sophmore girl, gang raped by 10 physically and 10 visually, while leaving her homecoming dance!

Richmond, California- Not one or two sick son of a bitches are suspected of assaulting, Raping, penetrating, as well as statutorily Raping a 15 year old sophomore on her way home from the homecoming dance. Six people have been arrested, but not all of them have plead, yet at this time. We want to blame somebody for this. The blame will not go to the right place. We will not allow ourselves to blame everyone the way they should be. It is too taboo. To put the blame in all of the places that it belongs would be a slap in the face to a lot of organizations, groups, communities, and individuals.

The entire United States of America is to blame for this Bull Shit. Oh Sure, we did not put guns to the heads of these young men, but for some reason they thought they could get away with this.That is the fault of the American people, or the American government, which is appointed by the American people.

How did these twenty year old children get the idea in their heads, that they would be able to pull this off? Why was there only one 911 call with up to 24 actual witnesses. Why were so many 18, 19, 21, and 24 year old men drinking on school property? How did they end up in the same circle of friends as the underage children that attend the High school dance to begin with? Was it MySpace, or Face book?

I bet this poor young woman had a myspace , a facebook or a my yearbook page. My children do, and they all have false ages on them. Maybe she did too. Maybe people looked the other way when the friends and acquaintances were under achievers. Or maybe trying to keep them separate is what drew them together to begin with.

Why is it socially un-acceptable for a parent to have GPS tracking on their teenagers cell phone. Two years ago I wanted to use the GPS on my Verizon cell phones to tally my children and Verizon had no option to do so. The cell phones were capable, but Verizon had no available option at the time.

If I was the father of this child, I would have went "in for her" when she was twenty minutes late. Only way to make sure you did not walk right passed the poor girl , is to have her location pin pointed. I certainly do not support a chip implant, but a tracked cell phone, or a avalanche tracking device planted in her clothing I can support.

I spent the last Thirteen years training my oldest son to do as he is told, when he is told. That not doing so is not an option. He always has the right to argue the fact after it is done. We can use this argument to change the outcome of the next encounter, but in the heat of the moment there will be no discussion.

My step daughter on the other hand has had a different set of rules her entire life. She is treated with "Kid Gloves" and allowed to argue everything from doing the dishes to leaving the beach or the movie theater without asking. I fear that my oldest step daughter will make a fatal mistake one day. I think this because of her defiant nature. I truthfully believe that we will tell her to be somewhere at a certain time, and we will be so used to her not being there, we may never know if the fear in our hearts is warranted, or exaggerated.

What is it about the gangster lifestyle that appeals to a 15 year old girl with a cell phone and a DADDY that loves her enough not to embarrass her by showing up at the front door to pick her up? How did this young girl go from heading home, to going to get drunk with friends? She was off to meet her Dad and got side tracked. I honestly fear that to be the case with my oldest daughter. Just for that reason, my poor son will have to go everywhere with her. Watch her experiment with boys, without completely blowing her cover. Even be her conscience when she chooses not to do what she was told to do. For that matter, we do not even tell her what she must do most of the time, we ask her what she wants to do , then make sure she does what she said she would.

Enough about my poor children though. What about the Richmond community? Is the entire community faulty? If the community is a conglomeration of the people that are within it; then it must be so. How can 24 witnesses and ten participants feel good about attacking one person. With 34 to one odds! I am sorry, but every Man woman and child in that vicinity should be charged with failure to render aid. Or aiding and abetting a felony crime. Even if they could not directly intervene, walking away at some point during the One Hundred and fifty minute or NINE THOUSAND seconds that had elapsed, could have put an end to this.

The biggest injustice that has already occurred is common place here in America. It is a struggle to say this, because all people should have a right to a fair trial. How many beat cops were on patrol in the city of Richmond that night? How many speeding tickets were written? How many people were arrested for driving on a suspended license or shoplifting? How many officers could have been directed towards stopping a felony crime? How many misdemeanors are written up every day while felonies go unsolved in that county? Or your county?

Teenagers are becoming alcoholics, addict, prostitutes,and gang members. We need task forces designed and aimed to stop that. To save our children while we are forced to work two low paying jobs, pay day care, and ultimately trust the government to raise our children,, in schools that are cesspools of crime and scum. Beat cops keep honest people honest, where the gang violence, drug trafficking, sex trades, child pornography are running rampant. Victims are being created. Entire lives are being changed. Detrimental to the future of our community we are putting police presence on the streets to prevent misdemeanors, whereas those same officers could be intercepting, preventing, and interrupting major felonies. Stop harassing the working man, and start chasing the criminal mind.

This entire event should be embarrassing for the entire Redmond community. The police force, local court systems, city government, and the local taxpayers for letting the government convince you that real crime hurts insurance companies instead of your children.

My heart goes out to you, my dear. Where ever and who ever you may be. Your father, your mother, and your family. I wish you all the least of pain. I wish for you to get justice, even though we know the criminals are wearing the bullet proof vest, while the police were nowhere to be found while you were being victimized. I hope that all 24- 34 of the people get the punishment fitting the crime.

Please, from this event, push for more felony patrols. Get the cops of the working mans back, and push them against the criminal minds. Never should they be worried about a traffic ticket, a uniform, a speed trap, or a guy just walking down the street. They should be gathering intelligence. Using computers, and saving victims.

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