
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Officer Brenton's Suspected assassin Identified, shot, and in critical condition!

One of my regular readers, and commenter recently left a comment from a future police officer's perspective. I do very much appreciate her honesty and openness with her opinion. I can tell she had a very strong opinion on this guy, and understandably so. In no way am I trying to make this out to be any less tragic than it sounds. I only push hard, because I believe any death or injury in the legal system is a tragedy!

The newest revelations show many points that contradict your statements. Before I go any further with my opinionated reply to your statement; I want to commend you for being willing to "change" American law enforcement. By enrolling yourself as a law enforcement officer, you will be in a position to be the officer, that is both moral, and still able to do their job. I personally think it is a hard thing to do, for even the most seasoned officer.

I really hope you can accomplish this. I think you will have to dig deep in your soul to accomplish this. I know that in my soul, it would be a constant contradiction between job performance and equal rights to all citizens.

So on the same note; I have to take a moment to commend all of the men and women of law enforcement, that take individual rights to the same level as cleaning up the streets.

So I start my response in the following paragraphs.

At no point has "crack" or "meth" came into play,at this time. I do believe my thoughts were the same at first. The recent memorial service and parade in the honor of our fallen officer, along with the $105,000 reward gathered to help find the killer.

1.)The killer may have had a passenger, but at this point, I do not want to get into that yet.

2.)The killer is just a suspect with a bullet in his head right now.(1 of 3 )

3.)The suspect is a 41-year-old man named, Christopher J. Monfort.

4.)The suspect is educated as a former student at Highline Community College and the University of Washington.

5.)Christopher J. Monfort was described by former teachers and friends as "mature" and "smart."

6.)Mr. Monfort was employed as a security guard or private investigator(One of the two)

7.)All Seattle Detective officers knew at the time was; They were trying to talk to him, he fled, they tried to catch him. And when he produced a weapon, that's when it became a whole different situation. They had to fire to protect themselves, ( This is as I understand from reading quotes of Tukwila Officer Mike Murphy)

8.)In November 2003 Monfort ran for student government at Highline Community College, according to the student paper, The Thunderword.

Monfort was running to "make the student body more aware of the civil liberties lost under the Patriot Act," the article said. "If elected, his first priority is to help people become active citizens instead of just bystanders."

***This is an Article I would love to read.**

In 2007, he attended the University of Washington and studied law enforcement. While there he wrote a paper about how to "change the inequity of the criminal justice system."

****This is one paper I would love to read**

Monfort is also suspected for involvement in the Oct. 22 arson of four police vehicles, three police cruisers and one mobile command vehicle, Pugel said.

Monfort's personality was described , by others, as smart, fun, mature and even stable.

Monfort was running to "make the student body more aware of the civil liberties lost under the Patriot Act," the article said. "If elected, his first priority is to help people become active citizens instead of just bystanders."

Garry Wegner, Monfort's student adviser during his time at Highline, described him as "a mature, stable, fun guy to be around. ... He was very smart," Wegner said.

Rosemary Stevens, Monfort's former landlady when he lived in Southern California 18 years ago, said she believed he applied for a job with the Los Angeles Police Department at the time, but he was never hired. This means he was 23 years old. ( The same age as the Lake Stevens officer that shot , and killed, the home intruder last month.

The Seattle police have declared a desire to keep their debriefing private and out of the media, for reasons unknown at this time.

In conclusion; The person believed to be a Black, stupid, drug addict, with an animal like moral fiber, has turned out to be an educated, civil rights minded vigilante.

Weather Christopher's intentions were, Law Enforcement reform oriented, civil rights minded, or equality in the eyes of enforcement; I think we can all agree that his actions actually cause a less free state in Seattle.

For the few days following the shooting, and prior to the arrest of Mr Monfort; All of the police agencies were fishing for Identification from as many walkers, runners, sitters and drivers on the streets and sidewalks. Leaving no stone unturned involved checking as many citizens as possible for Identification, cash, criminal possession and actions. (provoked or not)

This man acted a fool. To believe that his Killing of ( his intended) two officers, would have accomplished anything for his cause, was out right absurd, to say the least. He has accomplished nothing more than making the entire city potential suspects, and nearly enacting martial law!

What a dumb ass!(Monfort= dumbass, not U my friend)

1 comment:

  1. That is nothing of what I want will be as an officer. You must take the hypicratic oth. I will stand by the rights I want and would want in ither scenerio(spelling?). I have and know my rights as a american citizen. I will keep said rights alive. I will and never would be a bad human being with the constitution behind me. I am what you would call "one of the prodegies" of Law enforcement. I am not angry at any human. I am here to do what my brain is ment to accomplish.



Washington everett Barack Obama Obama Snohomish County criminal drugs police presence United States congress crime dangerous medical insurance new world order officer police budget stolen American freedoms Christopher Monfort Darwinism Julian Assange Oxycontin Police T-mobile collapse credit card drug everett ave first degree manslaughter freedoms government subsidies health care heroin immunity killed meth mexico money morals moto blur motorolla parenting prison rape reform school seattle sex shootings tactics war wikki leaks wilsons deli 10 Basic AIG Afghanistan America Arlan Hatloe Assassinated Balloon Bank of America Barack Bikini Baristas Boy Brenton California Capital punishment Chrysler Class sizes Colorado County D.C. Sniper Dodge Charger Police Cars Enumclaw FCC Falcon Firearm GMAC General Motors Gun safety Happy Horseman Harley Davidson Police Heene JP Morgan Chase James Tate Jeremy John Allen Muhammad Lake Stevens Lason Lee Boyd Malvo Lindsey Malvo Mayfield Muhammad NO I 1033 Nobel Nobel peace Nobel prize October 31st 2009 Percocet Police shooting Prostitution Redmond Rhonda Bremond Richard Rucker Rush Limbaugh S.M.A.R.T. Safety Rules Silver Lake Simpsons Snohomish South Park Tim Eyman Vicodin addiction adult industry alaskan way alfy's alternatives to bullets bailout banned bed bestiality blooded budget buy cartoon casino road cell children clark park cliq cold conspiracy coverage credit bill cuts days inn deadly force death debtors defaulted loans dies discussions disease dog fighting dogs die dope dress code driver effects employment epidemic espresso evil expelled fell fencing fines fool free free expression free speech gay adoption gay marriage gay rights government government mandated gps grand ave helium help honesty hookers how to wire a three way idiot interpol investigation involved jail jobs law enforcement legalized gambling light loan shark lost made in usa mandated methadone nascar needle sticks non leathal officer involved shooting oil opiates oxycodone parks pasties pay for sex peace phone pitt bulls police chase poverty level power prestigious award prize pro choice problem products property prostitute rights risk safety safeway salary caps schizophrenic serious sex with animals sexual retreat sharps shooter shooting side stands suicide superior court suppression tar tax payers taxes wasted teach children teen sexuality telephone theft three way switch topless barista town hall tracking trade transmission transportation two switches use used needles viaduct video view vigilante wa walking weed withdrawal world world power