
Saturday, October 31, 2009

A sexual Columbine in California--One 15 yr old sophmore girl, gang raped by 10 physically and 10 visually, while leaving her homecoming dance!

Richmond, California- Not one or two sick son of a bitches are suspected of assaulting, Raping, penetrating, as well as statutorily Raping a 15 year old sophomore on her way home from the homecoming dance. Six people have been arrested, but not all of them have plead, yet at this time. We want to blame somebody for this. The blame will not go to the right place. We will not allow ourselves to blame everyone the way they should be. It is too taboo. To put the blame in all of the places that it belongs would be a slap in the face to a lot of organizations, groups, communities, and individuals.

The entire United States of America is to blame for this Bull Shit. Oh Sure, we did not put guns to the heads of these young men, but for some reason they thought they could get away with this.That is the fault of the American people, or the American government, which is appointed by the American people.

How did these twenty year old children get the idea in their heads, that they would be able to pull this off? Why was there only one 911 call with up to 24 actual witnesses. Why were so many 18, 19, 21, and 24 year old men drinking on school property? How did they end up in the same circle of friends as the underage children that attend the High school dance to begin with? Was it MySpace, or Face book?

I bet this poor young woman had a myspace , a facebook or a my yearbook page. My children do, and they all have false ages on them. Maybe she did too. Maybe people looked the other way when the friends and acquaintances were under achievers. Or maybe trying to keep them separate is what drew them together to begin with.

Why is it socially un-acceptable for a parent to have GPS tracking on their teenagers cell phone. Two years ago I wanted to use the GPS on my Verizon cell phones to tally my children and Verizon had no option to do so. The cell phones were capable, but Verizon had no available option at the time.

If I was the father of this child, I would have went "in for her" when she was twenty minutes late. Only way to make sure you did not walk right passed the poor girl , is to have her location pin pointed. I certainly do not support a chip implant, but a tracked cell phone, or a avalanche tracking device planted in her clothing I can support.

I spent the last Thirteen years training my oldest son to do as he is told, when he is told. That not doing so is not an option. He always has the right to argue the fact after it is done. We can use this argument to change the outcome of the next encounter, but in the heat of the moment there will be no discussion.

My step daughter on the other hand has had a different set of rules her entire life. She is treated with "Kid Gloves" and allowed to argue everything from doing the dishes to leaving the beach or the movie theater without asking. I fear that my oldest step daughter will make a fatal mistake one day. I think this because of her defiant nature. I truthfully believe that we will tell her to be somewhere at a certain time, and we will be so used to her not being there, we may never know if the fear in our hearts is warranted, or exaggerated.

What is it about the gangster lifestyle that appeals to a 15 year old girl with a cell phone and a DADDY that loves her enough not to embarrass her by showing up at the front door to pick her up? How did this young girl go from heading home, to going to get drunk with friends? She was off to meet her Dad and got side tracked. I honestly fear that to be the case with my oldest daughter. Just for that reason, my poor son will have to go everywhere with her. Watch her experiment with boys, without completely blowing her cover. Even be her conscience when she chooses not to do what she was told to do. For that matter, we do not even tell her what she must do most of the time, we ask her what she wants to do , then make sure she does what she said she would.

Enough about my poor children though. What about the Richmond community? Is the entire community faulty? If the community is a conglomeration of the people that are within it; then it must be so. How can 24 witnesses and ten participants feel good about attacking one person. With 34 to one odds! I am sorry, but every Man woman and child in that vicinity should be charged with failure to render aid. Or aiding and abetting a felony crime. Even if they could not directly intervene, walking away at some point during the One Hundred and fifty minute or NINE THOUSAND seconds that had elapsed, could have put an end to this.

The biggest injustice that has already occurred is common place here in America. It is a struggle to say this, because all people should have a right to a fair trial. How many beat cops were on patrol in the city of Richmond that night? How many speeding tickets were written? How many people were arrested for driving on a suspended license or shoplifting? How many officers could have been directed towards stopping a felony crime? How many misdemeanors are written up every day while felonies go unsolved in that county? Or your county?

Teenagers are becoming alcoholics, addict, prostitutes,and gang members. We need task forces designed and aimed to stop that. To save our children while we are forced to work two low paying jobs, pay day care, and ultimately trust the government to raise our children,, in schools that are cesspools of crime and scum. Beat cops keep honest people honest, where the gang violence, drug trafficking, sex trades, child pornography are running rampant. Victims are being created. Entire lives are being changed. Detrimental to the future of our community we are putting police presence on the streets to prevent misdemeanors, whereas those same officers could be intercepting, preventing, and interrupting major felonies. Stop harassing the working man, and start chasing the criminal mind.

This entire event should be embarrassing for the entire Redmond community. The police force, local court systems, city government, and the local taxpayers for letting the government convince you that real crime hurts insurance companies instead of your children.

My heart goes out to you, my dear. Where ever and who ever you may be. Your father, your mother, and your family. I wish you all the least of pain. I wish for you to get justice, even though we know the criminals are wearing the bullet proof vest, while the police were nowhere to be found while you were being victimized. I hope that all 24- 34 of the people get the punishment fitting the crime.

Please, from this event, push for more felony patrols. Get the cops of the working mans back, and push them against the criminal minds. Never should they be worried about a traffic ticket, a uniform, a speed trap, or a guy just walking down the street. They should be gathering intelligence. Using computers, and saving victims.

Friday, October 30, 2009

10 Basic Firearm Safety Rules

1. Treat every firearm as if it were loaded

2. Keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire. Use safety, but remember that safeties sometimes fail.

3. Be sure of your target and what lies beyond before firing.

4. Never place or carry a loaded firearm in a motor vehicle.

5. Never use a firearm unless you are familiar with how it works. If you need an owner's manual, write the manufacturer.

6. Be sure the barrel and action are clear of obstructions.

7. Never cross a fence, climb a tree, cross a stream or jump a ditch with a loaded firearm.

8. Never point at anything you do not want to shoot.

9. Unload firearms when not in use. Store firearms and ammunition separately.

10. Never use alcohol (or drugs) before or during shooting.

You can obtain further firearm safety class information by contacting your local gun dealers and or shooting ranges. If you need further assistance obtaining class locations, times, cost; You may also log on to the NRA website by

Click here to open NRA website in a new tab or window

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Are you scared enough to be happy about a tunnel?

The Alaskan Way Viaduct has always been a concern for those who commute through Seattle. With recent collapses across the country, more and more attention came towards the local Viaduct.

People walking under the bridge have seen chunks fall off, and places where large chunks have fell off. There are annual safety inspections, meant to keep us feeling safe on the bridge. During the most recent earthquake, buildings near the viaduct lost piles and piles of bricks. Most of the bricks landing on parked cars below.

The Department of Transportation was pressured to do a study on the effects of a larger, more local earthquake. The results were this un-released video. I believe the study cost 80 million dollars, and it kinda got the locals interested in the results of the study.

Before we get into the results of the study, and the controversy around the video; Lets look at where Seattle has chosen to go by way of the viaduct. The viaduct is being replaced with a tunnel. Then lets look at Seattle by itself. I moved to Seattle from New York over 14 years ago, and even in New York schools they taught us of the "Ring of Fire". They also taught us of the San Andreas Fault( 800 miles of California, slowly driving the state into the ocean.). Now knowing there are fault lines right under the city of Seattle,(from Sammamish to Bremerton) and the size of said lines being larger then first suspected. These fault lines are extending all the way through Washington, as well as above and below Washington. Lets face it; We are in a hot bed of geological activity, and we all know it; Especially the people that went to school here and learned local geography.

For anyone to say that this video had any intent to scare the citizens of the are is absurd for at least two reasons. One of which being; It was never intended to be seen by the populous to begin with. ( The freedom of information act, and the Seattle-ites need to know brought the fear to the table) Secondly, already knowing where we live, we should already have this common sense in our heads to begin with. You just can not live on the West Coast, and not know the chances are there.

The viaduct is no longer a real concern for Seattle residents. It is coming down one way or another. The mayor and the State worked together to approve a tunnel costing billions. They did this , in part because, they knew it had to be done. They also did this because, it was evident , the people were going to him and haw over the ordeal until it was too late.

I would say, in this case, the appointed representative system worked. The people by themselves were not going to make the hard decision. What really sucks about that is it ruins my belief that the people should have the vote. This is an instance where I was proven wrong.

Snohomish County Police officer involved shootings, often yeild no charges. 5/6 this year alone.

In the last year, there have been six, officer involved shootings. In an ever changing society, armed officers are more and more necessary. The real question is; When has the shoot first mentality gone too far?

In the Everett, Herald they listed four other shootings other than this one.

Other recent officer-involved shootings
Since November, Snohomish County law officers have been involved in four other shootings, each ending in death. The cases remain under investigation by a special team of detectives pulled from police departments around the county.

Nov. 8 08
Everett police fatally shoot Dustin Willard at his Everett home. Police were responding to a reported burglary in process.
Status: The investigation continues. The officers involved have returned to duty.

January 25 09
A Mill Creek police officer shot and killed a man while investigating a report of a car prowler, the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office reported.

May 29 09
A Verlot man, Daniel Wasilchen, is fatally shot in front of his home by a Snohomish County deputy and a reserve deputy. Police are called after a reported dispute with a weed-abatement official.
Status: Detectives continue to investigate. The two deputies have been cleared to return to patrol.

June 10 09
Everett police fatally shoot Niles Meservey behind the Chuckwagon Inn. The Stanwood man reportedly was intoxicated and trying to drive away. Officers reportedly tried to subdue the man with a stun gun as he sat at the wheel of his car.
Status: Detectives continue to investigate. The officer involved remains on paid leave.

July 2 09
Snohomish County deputies shoot an Arlington man after 911 was called about a domestic violence case.
Dwight Monnie, 64, died later at a Seattle hospital as a result of gunshot wounds.
Status: Detectives continue to investigate. The two deputies were placed on paid leave.

Aug 7 09
Lake Stevens at Highway 9 and Soper hill road a driver of a white pickup was shot by an officer, and pronounced dead on the scene. There was a gun found at the scene, but with no details as to where it was at the time of the shooting.

It has gotten to the point where citizens might rather be car jacked, instead of pulled over by law enforcement.

The county has organized a group of internal investigators under the acronym SMART. In five of the six cases all of the officers were released back to patrol. The SMART group has been under a lot of pressure to hand the people a case. I believe this is rightfully so. In the other cases there have been no mention of discharged weapons, except from the police. We spend millions looking for non-lethal weapons, but still resort to killing people. There needs to be a change in procedure. With police acting as Judge, Jury, and Prosecution-er; There is no correction of behavior.

So what defense do the people, of America, have against the people we hire, to keep us safe. Legislature has a system of checks and balances. Neither system works. Every day, in the United States, another law is passed, taking the rights away ,from the people. I believe the power should be with the people, but seldom do the people stand up to take it.

The people were turning their heads through all, of the police killings. Very little revolt has taken place. Now, the owner of a Corvette has gained enough attention to gain respect. The SMART, investigators have found themselves in a position where they had to hand a head, on a silver platter. Is it that the financial standings of this man has made the populous believe it could happen to any of us. It is about time.

We need to change the shoot first policy. Charging this officer with first degree manslaughter is the first step, in the right direction. I am sadly disappointed that the maximum penalty is five years. I think it is hardly a deterrent to firing a weapon at the citizens. I feel like law enforcement has forgotten who they are to protect and serve.

I understand that the police are faced with different scenarios daily. It is hard for them to decide what is considered a threat to their safety, and what is not. A high centered Corvette is not a threat to any one.

In addition to the eight rounds fired into the drivers compartment (seven on target); The words muttered just before the discharging of the weapon was said to be. "Let's finish this right here." Almost makes this premeditated. I do not believe the officer intended to kill the citizen when he arrived for work; but I also do not believe the officer has a conscious desire not to kill people either.

We are at the mercy of each officers individual morals every day; and although we know there are crooked cops, we keep telling ourselves, they are upholding the law.

Does the law say we should die, before we kill? We all have the potential to kill; so are we all to be shot before we get out of hand? The TV show COPS shows what the police want us to see, and even that seems out of control. Often they show four cops on the back of one guy, yelling "Stop Resisting", while they club, tazer, and compress the subject into the ground. The subjects arm pinned beneath four guys as they continue to yell " PUT YOUR ARM BEHIND YOUR BACK! STOP RESISTING!"

As clients of the corporation called "Law Enforcement" should we not be treated as people, in the very least. I understand the need for people to be subdued; so I stop short of calling that abuse. Murder on the other hand is unacceptable. Maybe we have to take the guns away from the cops, and give them batons only. It works in England.

It is time to take a stand. Work together to stop this " License to kill belief" and retrain our policemen and women. We can no longer believe that they have the morals that prevent death, but we must insist those morals are instilled.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Health Care reform is the topic on the floor; Used to hide the really needed reform.

Only in America, can a group of people get away with actions like this. The companies around the globe are benefiting from our illnesses. Swine flu has been declared a national emergency in the United States. This allows for both experimental drugs, and other companies to mass produce the swine flu vaccine. Hospitals to set up temporary overflow systems, and clinics to expand. Look at all of the beds they will be able to fill at $500.00 a night. If vaccines start spoiling in bad refrigerators, or being poorly manufactured; We may need to make sure health care officials aren't trying to get us sick, to fill those beds. (vaccinations have already found to spoil in a bad cooler, $10k worth, and some manufacturer did make a bad batch)

Americans pay for their health care. That is right. There are so many countries that cover their citizens well being from birth to death. America is not one of them. I have a real problem with the way capitalism is working out for Americans. It is going the way of communism, all because of greed. In the wake of opportunity, many will die. Not because we do not have the ability to cure, but because we lack the humanity to cure.

Martha Stuart was imprisoned for dumping shares of stock, after being informed with insider information. George Bush, and Dick Cheney hold an absurd amount of stock in companies that benefit from war. George Bush pressed hard to get us to go to war in Iraq, and helped keep us active in Afghanistan. With contracts to both fight the Iraqi opposition, and to rebuild the nation, Halliburton is raking in the dough.

Now we have a swine flu sweeping the nation. Vaccinations have been made in the nick of time. There just does not seem to be enough to go around. The demand is high and we are in short supply. The company that first patented the swine flu vaccination is in a situation to make a baby fortune. There is motive. There are means. There are victims. There may even be a crime.

The American system gives too much reason for deadly actions to take place. The greed in the hearts of men allows for corruption across the board. People though maybe AIDS was a man made disease, and there is a ton of money being spent trying to prolong the lives of AIDS patients. There is a certain success rate of Chemotherapy in cancer patients. There are tell tale signs of when you may be getting cancer. There have been leaps and bounds in saving the cancer patients life. So much more needs to be done. Then there is SARS, and that bird flu, I cant remember. All of these things took years to figure out what was going to work with them. The swine flu has been working itself around our country for two short years. Already the powers to be have come up with a safe and effective vaccine for it. Did these capitalist swine have the cure before they released the virus?

I am so sorry to say such a horrible thing. Honestly, there would be no motive if the extensive profits were not there. Unfortunately, Here in America, somebody is making a shit ton of money off the illnesses, and deaths being brought down upon us by a freaking flu!

There will be a lot more to come on the health care topic. The swine flu is very fresh in my mind right now. I got off on a tangent. I'm sorry about that.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Seven bailed out companies getting pay cuts! I think they deserve worse!

I recently wrote of JP Morgan Chase screwing us over by refusing to cut back on its credit card rates. I was really appalled after being thrown under the same bus, us taxpayers pulled them out from in front of. Now I find myself writing this because I almost need to apologize. (Well almost)

You see it is true that JP Morgan Chase was bailed out buy the American taxpayers. They were not the only ones bailed out though. It seems that last year a lot of major corporations were bailed out. Only a few of them seemed to take it seriously, and showed any appreciation for it. JP Morgan Chase knew in their hearts they did not want to be at the mercy of the US Government, so they payed back their debt to the American people. For that, at the very least we could say they had a very talented executive staff. For that reason, those executives will be able to keep their pay intact. The executive staff of JP Morgan Chase will not be a pert of the seven listed companies being capped at 200,000 dollars a year.

Bank of America, AIG,Chrysler, General Motors, GMAC, and two other major players on Wall Street will be highly effected by the new income cap. The cap has been a little bit elusive for me , as the many sources I have heard the story from have told me many different details. I believe that the caps are laid out as follows. On average, all of the top tier executives will be taking a 50% pay cut, and some will be taking a 90% pay cut. Either way they will all still be making hella more money than 90% of the American population that saved their proverbial asses. Thirty percent of those being the people that have paid a percentage of the over 35 billion dollars financial institutions are expected to collect , this year alone in OVERDRAFT FEES. Then all of those 90% are subject to sky rocketing interest rates as explained in My JP Morgan Chase blog from last week.

I had the torture of listening to a bunch of republicans claim how wrong it was for our Free Enterprising American Government to socialize the payments to the executive order. One example claiming that an electrician making 50k a year would not go work for the union , only to make 35k a year. The Gentleman from the Allen Hunt show, on 97.3FM, was appalled at our governments stand on the situation. All the while claiming he was against the bail out completely, but because it was in the past we should be standing behind these CEOs, in full support of what they do. Allen Hunt went on to say that the reason these Corperate executives made such absurd amounts of money was; because they were the very best that the American gene pool had to offer. That these people would not stand for the income caps placed apon them, and they would leave. In the action of leaving, they would take their entire support crew with them. As part owners of these failing corperations, we needed to support them with good tools and knowlege bases to provide a successful, money making corporation.

Other companies will be more appealing, slowly leading all of the great leaders of these corporate entities away from their post. Well, my real concern is the resumes of these great leaders. The only person I know that has been successful at driving companies into the ground, and coming out on top, is George W Bush ( The younger one). I mean , come on. Who wants to hire the same guys that drove these major companies so far into the ground, that bankruptcy alone could not save them? If that is what gets me 200k a year, I need to start putting that on my resume. Maybe we all could.

I think the people worth the money, (even if they are asses) are the leaders at JP Morgan. Funny thing, they are not on the cap list. The reason they are not subject to the cap list is, because they paid back the government, their 180 billion dollar loan. Bank of America, Chrysler, Gm,Gmac, and AIG have not, yet their executives make millions of dollars a year. Listen people! A company does not have to show a profit with real gains. Everytime they start making money, they can vote themselves big fat hairy raises; Therefor leaving the company broke as a joke. The same tactics used prior to the bailout. These practices, in turn, left the companies without any financial cushion. No money to use in order to wait out the ever looming depression. The same depression that hit, when the banks own tactics of equity fluffing, started to balance themselves out naturally. You see, it does not matter how much money you borrowed to buy your house, or how much money you payed to paint your new Escalade. It is only relevant how much money you can sell something for. If you owe 600k for your house, and suddenly need to sell it, it is only worth what you can convince someone to pay for it. Banks had this way of getting high appraisals, and loaning up to 100% of the value of a fluffed appraisal. All of this only to find out the guy buying the home was selling his ass on the strip to make over half of the payment. There was no paper trail or 1099 forms to back up the income. I do not think those people were eligible for workman's comp when the on the job injuries came about ( pimp slaps etc.)

The banks did not care. Write the loan. Write the loan! This was the practice of the executives. The big Kahunas making the big decisions. It worked for a while. People scrambled to make their payments. They worked the streets, they pimped their friends and etc.. Until one day the cops ran a sting operation and busted the Johns. No longer could the un verifiable income make it to the home owner. No longer could he make the payments.

George Bush went to war. Suddenly gas reached 4.50 a gallon. People had to pay 225% to get to work. Not 1.80 a gallon but 2.25 times that. Enron was jacking up California's energy rates so much that even Washington was getting screwed because of power diversions. Energy rates doubled in less than 2 years; Yet another 200% bill that budgets would not allow. People trying to escape the wrath of electric cost were driving up the demand for natural gas and propane. The cost of transporting goods, and food refrigeration doubled as well. Soon EVERYTHING doubled, except incomes and house values. House values started dropping like flies. People started becoming upside down on their houses. How absurd! Houses were sapossed to be investments. Always growing in value, but there was no room for mistakes. No room in the borrowed value v.s. equity. No room for homeowners to have increased living expenses, and no room for even standard inflation.

The Seattle houses were so badly overpriced that what you could buy for 30k across the country was selling for 500k. The value just was not there., but the Seattle houses were increasing in value 12% a year and the bank loans were getting paid with every remodel, every flip, and every sale. So the decisions the CEOs was to keep the sales up. Loan to the max and pray the 12% trend would hold. Seattle was one of the last cities to slow the housing market; But she fell. To this day, Seattle and LA are the last two big cities , still falling in home sales. Seattle based, Washington Mutual had so many of these failed home sales they were forcibly bought out, as a sweet deal, to JP Morgan Chase. ( Maybe an extra "Bail out hand")

Look at all of these choices that were made by the big banks. Look how much they risked,and yet did not lose. Thanks to us. Look how they were loaned the money to reinvest in America, and instead, relined their fat pockets. These people did not pay back their loans. They could of done at least that. I say, " Screw them!" Let them walk.

Do we really want to keep paying them astronomical wages , so they can keep our part owned investment companies broke?

Why should they make millions; If they can not make enough money to pay us back?

Why is it when we borrow money from them in an overdraft form; They can send us to jail for writing bad checks; but we have yet to send them to jail for destroying our economy. Putting us jobless. Making our people fear spending money.

Please, guys and gals, get out of our companies, or take your paycuts you so desperately deserve!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DEATH BY BUNGA BUNGA! The Happy Horsemen of Washington, caught in Tennessee!

In 2005 James Tate was arrested for trespassing because it was the only charge that would stick. The police originally arrested James Tate under investigation of homicide. He became under fire when one day he dropped off his friend at a local hospital, to have him checked out. When he arrived he was already dead. He died slowly over the course of five hours of extreme abdominal bleeding.(Shoulda thought that over huh?) The gentleman had a punctured rectum due to receiving anal sex from a full sized horse. Now it has been made illegal. I wonder why the state felt the need to do that.

My understanding of the story is rather off, because I had a hard time following the documentary. I did gather most of the story, I just had a hard time keeping the main characters straight. Then again, they had a hard time keeping themselves straight as well. It seems that James Tate worked a farm with Mr. H( a rather successful ex- Boeing Employee gone Happy Horseman) They met on a farm, in Enumclaw, Washington ,owned by a gentleman and his wife. Although the couple owned the farm, they were rarely there. One of the men in control of the farm started throwing parties there on the farm. Some how word spread about the things that were going down on the farm. ( Not just Country Girls and Boys that's for sure)

The Happy Horsemen were not just happy. They literally loved their horses. A love that could only be understood by a comparison. Have you ever loved somebody so much you just wanted to give them pleasure. Some how this farm became a big place for all sorts of bestiality. People were coming from around the freaking globe to get their freak on with the unknown.

Needless to say, even with James Tate's friend, dieing of getting butt slammed, by a stalion; The sick S.O.B. kept right on humping other species of animals. It seems, just last week, the guy was arrested on three felony counts of sex with animals. This happened in of all places, Tennessee. The thing that really gets me is, that up until this guy died in Enumclaw, Horse sex was legal in Washington State. (Or at least it wasn't illegal) Yet the record seems to show they do not tolerate that in the state of Tennessee. James Tate was video taping these animal orgies to post on the internet, and drew a crowd of sick , horny, animal humpers.

When the guy left Washington to start over back in Tennessee, he started right back where he left off. He posted horse humping videos, to show the ranch he operated, as a sexual retreat, for equine lovers everywhere.

So finally to my point. I honestly believe that every law made is just one more right taken away from American citizens. Mr. H. died doing the animal he loved. Hey, more power to him. I guess it might be illegal to commit suicide. I do not care how you look at it. Getting screwed by a horse sounds like an intentional death(suicide). I wonder why they could not prosecute Mr. Tate under the assisted suicide laws, that were already in effect, in Washington State. This is Darwinism at its finest. The guy died because he was not smart enough to avoid a hazard. Or for that matter; He was incapable of pro-creating. I really do not think it should be illegal to get humped by a horse for the simple fact that, people like that, will most likely end up dead anyways. Let em go! Save the people that want to live! Let the others receive, DEATH BY "BUNGA, BUNGA!"

What do you think? Feel free to post! Come on, Please!

America needs jobs, Americans buy products.

I came across this yesterday while surfing the web. I asked the person I thought had wrote it for permission to re-post it, but they had told me it was passed on to them. Do you remember the late 80's...Maybe not. In the late 80's there was a really big push for the BUY American movement. There was a need for it. The Japanese were building thing cheaper and better that the Americans. Well , some things anyway. In the early 80's Harley Davidson was bought out by AMF, and they were changing a lot of the parts to Japanese parts. It was not until the late 80's that the employees of Harley Davidson banded together and bought the company back, that they started steering back to a quality oriented corporation.

Please do not take this wrong. I am not against Japanese items, as the Japanese build some of the best things in the world. What I do know though, in the event the Japanese were slipping fiscally, they would have enough pride in their own people to buy their own goods.

China has outright said they no longer want to be simply the manufacturing arm pit for the Americans. Other countries shop from their homelands. Its no wonder we can not balance trade over seas. The people of other nations seem to have a better understanding of keeping their children employed.

Hey,this is something we were trying to tell people years ago!

One Light Bulb at a Time

A physics teacher in high school once told the students that while one
grasshopper on the railroad tracks wouldn't slow a train very much, a
billion of them would. With that thought in mind, read the following,
obviously written by a good American.

I was in Lowes the other day for some reason, and just for the heck of it I
was looking at the hose attachments. They were all made in China. The next
day I was in Ace Hardware, and just for the heck of it I checked the hose
attachments there. They were made in USA. Start looking!

In our current economic situation, every little thing we buy or do affects
someone else - even their job. Let's do this!

My grandson likes Hershey's candy. I noticed, though, that it is marked
"Made in Mexico" now. I do not buy it any more. My favorite toothpaste,
Colgate, is made in Mexico now. I have switched to Crest. You have to read
the labels on everything.

This past weekend I was at Kroger. I needed 60W light bulbs and Bounce
dryer sheets. I was in the light bulb aisle, and right next to the GE brand
I normally buy was an off brand labeled, "Everyday Value." I picked up both
types of bulbs and compared the stats - they were the same except for the
price. The GE bulbs were more money than the Everyday Value brand, but the
thing that surprised me the most was the fact that GE was made in MEXICO and
the Everyday Value brand was made in -- get ready... the USA in a company in
Cleveland, Ohio.

So throw out the myth that you cannot find products you use every day that
are made right here.

On to another aisle -- Bounce Dryer Sheets . . . yep, you guessed it, Bounce
cost more money and is made in Canada. The Everyday Value brand was less
money and MADE IN THE USA! I did laundry yesterday and the dryer sheets
performed just like the Bounce Free I have been using for years and at
almost half the price!

My challenge to you is to start reading the labels when you shop for
everyday things and see what you can find that is made in the USA -- the job
you save may be your own or your neighbors!

If you accept the challenge, pass this on to others in your address book so
we can all start buying American, one light bulb at a time! Stop buying from
overseas companies!

(We should have awakened a decade ago . . . )

. . help our fellow Americans keep their jobs and create more jobs here in
the USA!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Balloon Boy's parents will be facing charges for a statewide rescue attempt gone publicity stunt!

Search warrant served on the family home. At least one charge may stick

Richard and Mayumi Heene, met with Larimer County investigators Saturday afternoon amid lingering questions about whether he perpetrated a publicity stunt involving the desperate search and rescue fiasco aimed at saving their six year old Falcon Heene.
(That was not even on board the balloon.)

In Fort Collins Colorado, The Sheriff Deputies searched the home of the Heene family Saturday night after the heartless "Balloon Boy saga" came to an end. The Sheriff declared he would be pursuing criminal charges against someone , but declined to put forth a name.

It certainly is my belief that this was a sham!

With no regard for the community, the Heene family led the local search and rescue volunteers to believe that the six year old Falcon Heene, was in Grave danger, if not already severely injured or even dead. Then carried on this escapade for 5-6 hours while young Falcon Heene hid in the garage attic, inside a cardboard box. Then later, during an interview with CNN , when asked why Falcon did not come out of the box when he heard his name being called, Falcon turned to his father and said"You said we did this for a show!"

The home made helium balloon traveled over two and a half hours across the Colorado desert at altitudes of up to 7000 feet. A search and Rescue team was dispatched based on a statement put forth by Falcon Heene's older brother. In this statement the young Heene child had told his mother that Falcon had gone with the balloon, he had seen young Falcon climb into the balloon.

People all across America tuned in and watched, what they believed to be a boy, inside a bright , shiny helium balloon. Fearing for the boy , full of uncertainty, and able to relate to the feelings brought on by such a loss, I barely held back the tears. The tears of sadness, because I did not think the child would survive within a sealed balloon full of helium. I thought for sure he would be dead when they found the balloon.

Then , for a slight moment as the rescue vehicles traveled through a farmer's freshly plowed field, closing in on the homemade craft, came an ounce of hope, for everybody watching from home and rescuers on the ground. I fought back the tears of joy as the craft started to come within reach of rescuers.

I thought to myself as the craft made the most graceful landing;

"How long can a person breath helium and live?"I even wondered if two hours of breathing would replace the air with toxic air.

Watching the search and rescue team secure the balloon, It became evident that the child was no longer with the balloon. It took them several minutes to get the balloon where it would stay grounded, and as they did the urgency to remove the child from the balloon did not seem to be there. The cardboard door was ajar as the craft landed, and the police on the scene did not have young Falcon Heene there.

Again, I had to hold back the tears of sorrow. News casters jumping to the conclusion that the boy had to of fallen out of the balloon. Up until that point, the fact that there was a basket below the balloon was not made clear to all of the people looking. There was an eyewitness claiming that they had seen a dark object falling from the balloon, near its point of lift off. Again, the American public had to hold back the tears. Originally the credibility of the eyewitness was under fire, until it was verified that the eye witness was, an actual Sheriff's Deputy.

I am still trying to understand why it was that Richard Heene did not make the design of the balloon perfectly clear, to the search and Rescue team, at the time of the reported accidental lift off. This in itself caused great turmoil among the minds of the search and rescue teams, the news casters and John Q Public.

I have come to the point where I feel Richard and his wife had cried WOLF. The Heene family, under the direction of Richard Heene, preyed on the compassion of the American public. They concocted this extravagant plan. Planning with the full intention of using news cameras , radio talk shows, and internet traffic to gain notoriety , popularity, fortune and fame to themselves. Not only did they continue to do so at the taxpayers expense, but also at the emotional expense of the American public.

All of this they brought forth under the false pretense of eminent danger to their own flesh and blood , an innocent six year old child, that is only guilty of following the orders handed down to him by his Father.

Deputies searched the home of the Heene family on Saturday night, after the sheriff said he was pursuing criminal charges in a case that at first sparked fear for the child, then relief he was okay, then suspicions of a hoax. (I thought it was a hoax before I knew for sure he was okay, but we aren't tasteless enough to say things like that until the boy was proven safe at home.)

The Sheriff did however vent some frustration that, even with the search and rescue, and the military involved, what we basically have is a class 3 misdemeanor. Although they are looking to the federal government to see if there are any federal charges that can be drawn. Officials did remove several cardboard boxes of undisclosed items and a computer from the Heene family home, upon serving a search warrant Saturday evening.

Myself and millions of taxpayers got to watch their tax dollars being spent on fuel for helicopters, SUV's, and planes to save a child from the exploits of his father.

Alderden didn't call Thursday's hours-long drama a hoax, but I sure as hell believe there is something FISHY going on here. he expressed disappointment that he couldn't level more serious charges in the incident, which sent police and the military scrambling to save young Falcon Heene as millions of worried television viewers watched.

Heene, a storm chaser and inventor whose family has appeared on the reality show "Wife Swap," and his wife had said one of the boy's older brothers had said Falcon was aboard the homemade balloon when it took off. That is what got this party started!

Alderden initially said there was no reason to believe the incident was a hoax. Authorities questioned the Heenes again after Falcon turned to his dad stating that it was all for the show.

Although the skeptics started coming out when Falcon got sick during two separate TV interviews Friday when asked again why he hid. Most likely stressed out from knowing he was lying to everyone. Maybe even from fear of what his own father might do if he did not carry out the plan. It seems that the six year old had a much better concience then the adults.

The Heenes have said the balloon was supposed to be tethered to the ground when it lifted off, and no one was supposed to be aboard. A video of the launch shows the family counting down in unison, "3, 2, 1," before Richard Heene pulls a cord, setting the balloon into the air. Then shows Richard busting out a cuss word about the lack of the tether, and kicking the wooden stand where the balloon once stood. But hey, maybe that is how all of this had to play out, in order to get all of that free, high stress, publicity the United States taxpayers want to see.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ballon boy, Falcon Heene, Stunned or stunt?

Trick or Treat? What is your opinion on this "star studded hoax"?

While millions watched that balloon soar across Colorado, worried to death a poor little boy was trapped inside, while who knows how much time and money was diverted to try to get him back, 6-year-old Falcon Heene was hiding in the attic.

And why? In the words of Falcon, on live national television (of course): "You guys [referring to his parents] said we did this for the show." The family has already been on TV's Wife swap twice. The three little boys have their own rap video, where there lines include bleeped out cuss words.

I was watching something on our local FOX network, when a news ticker scrolled across the screen. "Six year old boy trapped in a balloon, alone over Colorado" I instantly started channel surfing until I came across the King five "Breaking News cast" There it was. A shiny silver balloon floating high above the ground, hauling across the screen as if it was flying mach one. I could feel the fear building up inside me. I was afraid, for the welfare of that six year old boy. I remember thinking to myself," How long can a boy breathe in plain Helium and still be alive?" I must have caught the tail end of the situation, because there was no basket underneath the balloon when I got to see it.

The balloon descended to the ground, in a farmers field, ever so softly. I had regained hope for a second, that the boy would be alive. A perfect crash landing, in the field, the boy's chips were stacked in his favor. The police drove as close as they could, got out of the many cars and headed in that direction. I felt as if the entire world was holding its breath. The Balloon was secured, the door was open and the boy was nowhere to be found. How could the police, not have known that the boy would have most likely been in the basket below the balloon?

How else would they have not known. They were never told about the cargo department. Not until after the balloon touched ground and was cut open. I personally would have told the entire story from the beginning. Never would I have not told authorities about the cargo basket. Not to mention, the entire balloon was a family project. The kids would have been walked through its operation. Even little Falcon would have known that the Helium section of the balloon was off limits. Little Falcon would have some idea how high the balloon might go. How dangerous it would be to be trapped in the balloon. I just do not think he would have taken off in the balloon on his own. And now we all know he did not take off in the balloon by himself!

So for now at least, local authorities are saying they don't suspect that the whole Heene clan cooked up a hoax. More likely this was something subtler, though still insidious. It could be young Falcon, upon seeing that saucer take off, somehow got it in his head that he could do something "for the show."So the authorities believe that the six year old boy has enough discipline to sit in the attic awaiting the right time to come out.

I believe that when my son was six, he was extremely smart. I thought he was fully capable of pulling the wool over the eyes of the world. But then I woke up, and realized that my six year old son, wanted nothing more that to be the apple of his parents eyes.

What an indictment of the culture we have created - a culture in which even kids come to think that a potentially serious stunt is worth trying to pull off because it might make the talking heads chatter and the TV screens glow. This is a miss-guided life that the parents will end up responsible for the actions of their teen aged son or daughter. The parents have put way to much empasis into their childrens fifteen minutes of shame.

These Heenes, remember, are no ordinary family - and we're not talking about their balloon building. Richard and Mayumi Heene are creatures of the media, self-made C-list pseudo-celebrities. They volunteered to appear on ABC's "Wife Swap," where families trade mothers to try to deal with home-front problems.

These days, there are dozens - no, hundreds - of families like them. Even when cameras are not inside their homes, it seems, they are inside their heads.

So, little surprise that, after the balloon fell to Earth and Falcon emerged from his hiding place, the family chose not to close ranks and turn inward - but to feed the media circus, with interview after interview on national TV. On the "Today Show" and "Good Morning America," the boy vomited. In the midst of this interview, the father had to take a moment to re-direct the media from accusing the family of staging this entire situation. I felt that instantly made him look guilty. I thought damned there instantly this entire story was a big fat hoax. I do not understand why the balloon was half filled up. It was ready to fly. Yet it was not chained and locked down. Dad might as well of left a loaded gun in the boys toy box. I am not sure who wins the dumb ass award yet. I hope its me!

We cannot blame a 6-year-old boy for this. But we can blame those who created the climate around him. Mommy, Daddy, you need a time out. Maybe , just maybe, your butt should be warmed. I do not see how any part of this is okay. I sure would like to see these boys achieve greatness. I honestly believe that if Falcon actually feared his father Richard, he would have thought twice before letting the balloon loose, or hiding in the garage. I really do think Daddy had a little more than a family project in mind when they started working on this balloon. My children would have known from day one, that starting a fight over the balloon would cause serious punishments across the board. I would have made absolutely certain, my boys would have known weather or not it would have climbed empty or full.

I honestly think this entire thing was a stunt. Really well pulled off, yet in the poorest of taste. Richard, maybe you should step forward and apologize to the world, for the scare your family has laid upon us. All of our hearts went out for him. Now I feel like I am not alone is saying, I wish that the angels catch you before the devil makes his call.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

People are already holding the Noble peace prize over Obama's head, during a gay rights march in Washington.

I never thought this would be the place, but at a gay rights march on Washington, Rachael McIntosh pulls the peace card on President Obama. Jeremy Peters, from the New York Times quotes Ms. McIntosh as follows

“I think he has a lot on his plate,” said Rachael McIntosh, 25, of Worcester, Mass. “But I’d hoped we’d be a priority.” Ms. McIntosh raised a sign that read “Nobel Peace Prize. Earn It!”

The common consensus was, that Obama did not commit enough to the movement, placing no more emphasis on the issue than he did during his campaign. People drove from across the country to be a part of the largest movement in nearly ten years. Some came in hopes of a time-line for the end of the "Don't ask, don't tell" program. Others wanted to see support for, or hear Obama voice support for any of the battles going on at state levels to allow same-sex couples more recognition under the law.

Barack Obama did not even mention the march itself during his speech. That in itself may speak volumes for where he stands. It may explain where he plans on going with this topic. Gay rights are a touchy subject. One the guy probably does not want to touch with a ten foot pole. ( Maybe we should not make pole analogies)

Where do you stand on the topic?

I personally do not care. I support the peoples right to stand up for what they believe in. I am glad that the groups took it upon themselves to converge on the capital. I support couples getting married for many reasons that I promise the gay community may not appreciate.
  1. Commitment- Gays committed to each other means a smaller likely-hood of promiscuity. This could be good for the entire nations health.
  2. Health Care- The United States has enough problems with uninsured Americans, and insuring couples, gay or otherwise, could reduce unpaid medical bills.
  3. Tax reform- If life partners receive tax exemptions for being married, it is a small price to pay for the couples being together instead of being FREE AGENTS
  4. Divorce/separation- Allowing couples to go before the courts and get compensation from dedication to a relationship could be good for the entire nation, especially, divorce attorneys.
Then there is my only real drawback. I have a problem with raising children in an openly gay relationship. I can not support adoptions. I am fully aware that the gay community has the ability to love.

I do not consider it natural, or "in ones DNA". I do not so much think it is a choice to be gay either. I do however feel that submersing a child in a relationship based on sexual activity will be a lasting impression on them. I believe in order for children to be, they must have come from a Pro-Creation relationship. Unless you are comparing child rearing to dog breading, then you can not say Mommy and Mommy made a baby. You would have to say something like"Mommy and Mommy , while in a committed relationship, sought out a stud service until the feminine Mommy was properly serviced."

Please do not take this the wrong way. I support adults doing other adults, of whatever nature they see fit. I feel that all adults deserve those rights, along with marital rights as well. I just do not feel they have the right to push, an opinion that does not protect the rights of children to have a natural life of their own.

What do you think?

Credit companies, bailed out are returning the favor

JP Morgan Chase has outright said"No " to holding back from un-reasonable tactics. Chase received 25 billion dollars from the tax payers in the spring of 2009 to aid them in recovery from defaulted loans and declining home values. Claiming the dire need for funding, Chase was able to budget 120 million in corporate jets.

(Jets came up twice in the current economic state. Only last time the big three automakers were looked down on for flying into their meetings on private jets.)

The same people that payed Case's way to buying 120 million in corporate jets are now feeling the pain of ungrateful corporate greed. CNN covered a story this week, where a couple with AAA credit had their minimum payments, and interest rates jacked through the roof.

A $300 dollar minimum payment automatically went to a $911.00 minimum payment without notice. People are taught to manage their credit with monthly payments. A simple mathmatic equation of Income-expenses=surplus. The couple spoke of above, never made a late payment. The payment was in their budget. When Chase raised the minimum payment the client called Chase to come to an agreement.

The best offer Chase could come up with was a lower minimum payment in exchange for a higher interest rate. Way to send a thank you card for the Billions the congress approved.

Congress has come up with the bill of rights on the card holders behalf. The bill was to go into effect as soon as February of 2010. The current events have brought some congressmen to push the date to December of 2009, but they are unsure if it will pass. Even that may not help in time.

Some congressmen have taken it upon themselves to write individual credit agencies "begging" them to hold back on those policies. Some have agreed , and in good taste. JP Morgan Chase on the other hand has declined to do so.

This is like pouring salt in our wounds. I do however have one more point / question for the companies partaking in this behavior. When you multiply a payment by three, and leave the client in despair, do you get your money? When the guy defaults on his credit card because the payment went from manageable to inconceivable; Who wins?

Does anyone know how much money JP Morgan has in reserves?

The tactics used here show some deviance. An Evil plot to make big bucks. It really seems to be loan sharking, or worse. All of that after crying out loud, whining like children to congress, taking the tax payer's billions, then hidding behind the laws that protect them.

I want to send out a big FU to JP Morgan Chase!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rush Limbaugh claims Obama is being shaped by the Nobel prize committee.

Rush Limbaugh, on his radio show, claims that Barack Obama is malleable in the presence of other world leaders. The Nobel peace prize being nothing more than a ploy by foreign nations to keep Obama geared towards following the desires, of the world majority opinion.

Rush cites the Afghanistan invasion, or influx request of 40,000 troops, to be a motivational factor of the foreign nations to act in this fashion. This along with , placing timeliness on the withdrawal of troops from Iraq. By placing the eyes of the world on Barack Obama, the foreign countries, as a conglomerate, can expect the United States to be less of a force around the world. Well, less of a self motivated force around the world and more of a UN force.

Rush went as far as to say Obama was being played like a stringed instrument. Even going to say that "All of us" feel the prize was not deserved. Is the much younger, and more impression-able, Barack Obama, a marionette to older, and more mature world leaders?

What is your opinion?

Friday, October 9, 2009

2009 Nobel peace prize goes to Barack Obama!

Just announced at 2.30 AM Pacific time, Barack Obama was awarded the Nobel peace prize. Some say they do not take it seriously and it could be mud in the faces of the committee. Others join in on the celebration. At first I was taken completely by shock, but after some thought I was able to see it the way the committee did as well.

Although we are currently in the middle of both a war, and a 40 country occupation, Barack still reaches out for peace among nations. It is true we are at war. At the same time, the president has made severe attempts to keep the deliberation going. Instead of sending an aircraft carrier to fight with the Iranians, Barack has attempted to deliberate away from Iran's nuclear arms program. It was not too long ago there were talks of fighting against Korea as well, and that has seemed to dissolve into history. Does this award put global limitations on the presidents abilities to defend the word. Only time will tell.

What better way is there to calm a bully, other then telling them that they are the very best at being sweet and kind. Would the world look poorly on the United States if Barak felt the need to act militarily? The pressure applied from the Nobel peace prize could very well make the president think twice before launching an attack. Maybe for that, The Nobel peace prize committee should award themselves. What better way to promote peace then to make one feal guilty for not living up to such a prestigious award?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tim Eyman says "Leave it as it is!" with initiative 1033

What a cap on government spending? No way! Personally , I think it is a great idea. I support the concept limiting new spending to match the percentages of growth for an area...To a point. The real problem with Tim Eyman's initiative 1033 is that right now, our State sucks! Our budget is running under its needed threshold. Our services are all short. There will be no improvements generated keeping our budgets under par.
Across the state we are cutting back on parks, teachers, human services and more. The State of Washington is lowering the bar in so many areas that taxpayers will be forced to pay in other ways. As it is the school budgets are so tight, that some schools have gone to "All Walking". They do not even care what age the children are. My friend has a six year old expected to make the mile long trek, down roads without shoulders or sidewalks. Here parents are paying their school taxes, only to have to use more money to deliver their children to the school. Frankly, that is Bull!
It would seem that, Tim Eyman wants the schools to perform at a level where the students fail to gain an education. Class sizes and expansion for example. As it stands right now the schools are limited to class sizes that can not multiply by 4%. They have to go up by a full room and a full teacher at a time. If a class is to have 30 students and 5 more move into that class, the school can not buy a sixth of a classroom teacher. Lower testing scores make another example. As it is, the Everett school district is performing below standard in a few places, and has done so for two years running. So is it the right answer to freeze the school system's income below par, and always keep them under funded? NO!
Public services have been cut as well. The State has set up a system to attempt dumping the disabled on the federal government as soon as possible. People with a disability can still get aid, provided they are in step to get S.S.I. . Most people will be declined for S.S.I. . The system is designed that way. I have known people that have applied for years, only to hire attorneys and be approved in months.
The Washington Economy was largely fueled by the housing market. The sad thing is that, right now, Seattle and Vegas are the two lowest (big) cities for housing market improvement. Both of these cities have had a steady decline in house values, while other cities are very slowly recovering. Are the incomes of the state not directly related to sales tax? Do new home sales not generate a large percentage of the states income?
In order to improve on Washington State We have to strive to be a better place to live. Both now and in the future. That is what brings in population and CASH FLOW! In our current fiscal crisis, we are at the bottom of our game. We have nothing to gain in any set up intended to keep even with inflation and expansion.
There will be no improvements generated keeping our budgets under par. There needs to be a better way and I 1033 is NOT it.

Will somebody please buy Tim Eyman a Sim City Game? Maybe he can practice screwing up a virtual state before he screws this one up!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Bikini Baristas feel the heat

Last night in Silver Lake, Washington, the areas people held a town hall meeting. They took the time to address the Grab-N-Go Espresso stand, and all of the other Bikini huts as "Adult Entertainment". The meeting took place at the Clearveiw Foursquare Church, on Highway 9. There were people there both for and against the stands and the freedom of expression that came along with them.
The final outcome of their meeting was a successful rally of the troops, to take a voice to Olympia(The Capital). One woman was seen on Q13's 10 O'clock news making a statement. She claims that the actions taken by the "Adult " stands put her in a position that made her address issues with her children. An action she, herself, was not ready to take.
I observed one of her children in the background, while she spoke to the reporter. It was then I came to the realization that her boy was near the same age as my oldest son.
At thirteen, I myself was constantly intrigued by the female body. I would like to think I was not alone. Often seeking out an opportunity to place myself in its vicinity. I know I spoke openly about it with my friends, and was very fortunate I could speak about it with my father.
The people in the State of Washington have , what seems to be, a strange idea of what to do about teen sexuality. All over the television there are ads promoting conversations with teen children. Conversations directed towards, sex, and drugs. Each one of them telling the parents over and over about the missed opportunities to talk about these very real problems with society. I welcome the reminder to speak to my children. I welcome the visual "Eye Candy".
The city of Everett, Washington's City Council was expected to address the lewd conduct issue on Wednesday. The City Councils hands were tied, claiming that it would be very hard to get a bill passed that would require baristas to wear more clothing. The best the City Council can do right now is define these stands as public places, opening the door for lewd conduct prosecution. Some residents want them defined as an adult industry, requiring them to be limited in placement. City Councilman Arlan Hatloe said he supports even stricter regulations. My guess is that Mr. Hatloe wants your living room to be a public place as well.
IN OTHER WORDS-" If I do not support this, my wife wont put out!"
Currently even the in public dress code allows for pasties and sheer undergarments in public, provided the nipple and aureoles are covered. (Sometimes it is done with a strip of electrical tape..LOL)
Rhonda Bremond was the organizer of the Silver Lake town hall meeting. Rhonda was quoted in the Everett Herald as writing in a letter, she used to invite local elected officials to the meeting "If by law, baristas and other public businesses can not be prevented from wearing nothing but stickers and strings and calling it clothing, then they need to be doing it away from my property and from my constant exposure,"
Well, IN OTHER WORDS- "I cant get my husband to look at me anymore, These women are ruining my sex life!"

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

22 Pitt bulls condemned to death!

Last night on the news they showed clip of chained, scarred dogs. A fenced yard Pierce County.

The Seattle times Reports:

GRAHAM, Wash. -- Pierce County authorities have seized 22 pit bulls, many with scars or wounds, from a residence near Graham.

Sheriff's department spokesman Ed Troyer says deputies were called to the home on Saturday after a report a man was outside the house, waving a gun and making threats. Troyer says they arrested the man and obtained search warrants, and found the dogs, along with signs of a marijuana-growing operation.

Troyer says deputies arrested a 36-year-old man for investigation of first-degree domestic violence assault and unlawful manufacture of marijuana. The dogs were taken to the Humane Society of Tacoma-Pierce County.

That up there was all the property of the Seattle Times

But then on a further note Q13 reported that they could not get any of the neighbors to comment out of fear of retaliation. Sighting that often times there were people on the property with riffles.

Of coarse there were people with riffles, the marijuana was worth protecting. The dogs obviously shown signs of fighting. Scarred faces, legs, and poorly healed broken bones. They showed pictures of a rather nice tread mill, with an attached leash, and sideboards to prevent an unwanted dismount.

The dogs all looked rather mature. Of a decent age. How long could this have been going on? At what point do you need a kennel license? With all of the new found puppy mill cases, the laws have changed.

But now to the real point of all of this. A dog, with no conscience, is taught to do but one thing. Bite. It has to suffer the consequences. These dogs have been said to all be aggressive, and non re-home-able. So they will die. No choice!

The police took all of the dogs to the humane society. The thing that really gets me though is; In order for these dogs to be "dog fighting" is there not a place they do it? Is there not another breeder somewhere else that meets with this guy to fight the dogs? Were the dogs going to die this week or next? Why did the police not investigate this to stop the bigger, more pressing issue? Or maybe even catch the entire ring. Somewhere out there is another guy just like this one, and chances are that they fight the dogs together.

Any chance that catching this one guy is just another way to keep the big problem out there as job security for the Pierce County Sheriffs Department. I am pretty sure things like this will come up for the budget votes.

Wiring a three way switch

Easy way. Simple three way

1. Place the boxes on the wall where you want the switches.
2. Picture them as a straight line and pull 14/3 between them
(note one box has two ends. This will be the four way location)
3. Put power and neutral in one box
(pull a 14/2 from a 15 amp receptacle or breaker. Black will be power, white will be neutral, and bare will be ground)
4. Now go to the last box and pull a 14/2 to the lights.
(this is a switch leg)
5. At the light all colors will match the fixture colors
6. At the switch leg end tie all of the whites together, and the grounds separately together.
(leave a 6" ground tail to attach to the green screw of your three way switch)
7. Take the black of the switch leg and place it on the black or common screw
8. Take the black and red of the 14/3 and place them individually on a separate silver screw.
(these are called travelers)
9. At the center box (with two 14/3 wires) attach all grounds with a tail to connect to the green screw
10. Tie the two whites together as all they will do is pass a neutral to the light
11. Look at the back of the four way switch ..(.Levi-ton uses the two top screws as inputs and the bottom as the other input, where pass and Seymour uses the left side as one input and the right as the other input) An input is the black and red wire coming out of the same sheath. Make sure that any wire on an individual input comes from the same white casing as the other on the same input)
12. At the power end the whites tie together passing neutral to the light at all times
13. The grounds tie together passing a grounded conductor through each switch to the light at all times (also to the switches green screw)
14. The black of the 14/2 Power wire attaches to the black/common screw
15. The red and remaining black each attach individually to the remaining silver screws

See power goes into the three way switch and follows the connected patch down one of the two travelers at any given time. Any of the switches stir up the pot in a manor to either connect or interrupt the power source headed for the light.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Bikini Baristas in Everett, Washington

Everett Police have decided to target the Bikini huts around town. No longer will you be able to take in a flash or sneak in a grab. That sucks! Hey! Wait a minute! I frequented all sorts of pastie stands and never once did I get flashed. Damn it, Damn it, Damn it!
Now knowing I did not get flashed one will also note that I never got to grab a breast either. Maybe I did not tip enough. Actually I never tipped any more than normal. One dollar just like I always have.
So I see on the news somebody offered up $80.00 for either a flash or a grab. That should have been the first clue this was a sting operation, but in these times who would not flaunt their breast for $80.00? What a bunch of entrapment that was. We live in a world where people are having sex on video for way less. Sign here.
, initial there. I say if the woman wants to flash her breast and get paid....let her do it. But here in Everett, the bikini baristas are faced with penalties for lewd behavior. OMG. Heaven forbid a kid might see breast. It might do him some good. With all of the EMO boys kissing on each other, and gay rights movements; Why can't we see some good old fashioned breast! Lets look at this from a different perspective. If I was never propositioned, was it because I never asked to be? If that is the case; Did the Cops have to ask in order to be in the presence of hookers? Finally, if you have to ask in order to be propositioned; then aren't you essentially getting what you asked for? Hence that is the root of capitalism.
Do not get me wrong, everyone has the right to orient themselves in the sexual manor they want. I am all for gay people staying gay. On the other hand I want to stay straight too! I would appreciate my children growing up straight as well. When faced with the exposure of the naked body, it opens up the pathway for discussion. My teenage son goes through the drive-thru and suddenly the pathway for all sorts of parenting conversations are opened up. We can discuss sexuality, safe sex, and even sexual orientation and personal relationships.
This opens the the door to discuss how sex can be used as a tool to extort money and power. It opens the door to discuss with my daughter the beauty of her body and the value of self respect. We can also discuss the potential for misunderstandings about kindness in the service industry. How Women in the service industry are so kind and men sometimes misinterpret it as an invitation to sexual promiscuity. If more men came to realize that the women are performing a job, this would not be an issue.
The point I really wanted to make is a lot more simple than all of this. The government is stepping in, right now, and taking even more things away. We are unable to make our own decisions as to what we can see or how we are "entertained". We can not be trusted to parent our children, so the government makes sure those situations are hidden, private, and TABOO. The more taboo things are, the less likely we will discuss them around the diner table. The less likely that is, the less likely our children will be to open up to us. Thank you so much you conservative A-holes

Cedar Valley Elementary School

Here is something that should anger a few people. It most likely won't. Schools in Washington State are faced with big budget cuts due to the declining economy. We are spending insane amounts of money to keep kids in school. To make education a piece of every child's life, and yet getting them there has become less of an issue for our government and more of an issue for the people. Years ago when my children started school, they lived across the street from the school and they were not provided transportation to the school. Hey, no problem there. Recently all of the buses have been removed from Cedar Valley school completely and yet one more expense has come down on the parents.
Every parent has the obligation to make sure their student has the items they need to get their student through the school year. Every year the list of school supplies grows and grows. Now each student is required to bring an excess of school supplies into the school. I see some schools using that system to put items on other children's desk. Hey, That's great. Each child is bringing in boxes of tissues, bottles of Purell hand sanitizer, and other excess supplies. Some families have a hard enough time bringing in , just the basics. Some schools have walking within a mile, while others have gone Completely walking.
That is the case for Cedar Valley in Lynnwood, Washington. Completely walking. So not only does this place hundreds of children on the sidewalks, it also places hundreds of cars on the roadways. 196th is a parking lot, and so is Highway 99. The town was not prepared for an influx of cars near rush hour. Every car in and out of the school standing there idling, adding to our pollution. Adding to the cost of enrolling your student in public school. Preventing parents from working while their children are in school, because they have to drop off and pick up their children.
Then there is the Becka Bill that is a safety system put in place to ensure that children attend enough school to progress. A system that was put in place before the removal of transportation, the Becka bill holds parents legally responsible to make sure their children are in school. Now the children are expected to walk our highways and city streets every morning and afternoon. The parents are expected to work and ensure they make it there. I don't know about all parents feelings, but guessing by the lines of cars at the school, nobody trust their children to walk on their own. With the threat of injury to the children, or the chance the children will be lured by a predator, I do not see walking as an option. Not to mention, if my walking teenager decides not to go to school, I face potential jail time.
Public schools are designed to raise the education level of all Americans and therefore should be a business of Americans. Removing the transportation from the schools is another huge step backwards in history. Sure, we have all heard stories of how our parents walked ten miles to school, uphill, both ways, in a blizzard; Did the system not improve and bring transportation to the table? Another place the Americans are failing.

You cant say that!

Have you noticed how TV has changed since the superbowl "wardrobe malfunction". Just before that happened TV writers were always testing the limits of acceptable. Have we regressed in the rights of freedom of expression?
I can remember when Bart Simpson was getting his start on our TV set. A simple little cartoon skit on the Traci Ulman show. As a teen-aged boy, this was very a intriguing piece of television history. Bart Simpson paved the way for the ultimate testing of the FCC. Starting out with "Eat my shorts" and then pushing the limits with other words. Obviously now, this controversial cartoon became popular in America. It is still on the air today running new episodes every season. The Simpson's has opened the door for Family Guy, and American Dad. This simple little skit opened a revolution of sorts on the broadcasting language and actions in America.
It was not just the television that was rampant with free speech. The radio was full of vulgar thoughts actions, and words. Shock jocks were all the rave. We had Howard stern on free broadcast radio. Every step of the way saying what he wished when he wished. The people listened. The people loved every minute of it. Tom Leykis, ran a "school" for single men. People either loved him or hated him. Tom openly admitted he followed his demographic. That was it. He was giving both the people who listened and the people who payed him what they wanted. We came a long way with freedom of expression since the fifties. Only for it all to be taken away a short time later. The FCC placed huge fines on networks that used foul language or insinuated sexual content. A list of words were never to be used and another list of context was not to be implied.
I really love "South Park". So much can be said and done when you are a cartoon. Every single cliche is picked on, displayed , and beat into the ground. It was so much more free and clear with out the beeps and blurs. Even the pay networks are all cleaned up.
We are supposed to be the land of the free. Able to speak our minds. Able to express ourselves. I guess we are, as long as we keep it to ourselves. Why cant Americans choose their own level of subjection?

The real crime problem

The Great Northwest is an insane place, crawling with addiction. I have seen people pull amazing stunts to acquire a fix of Oxycontin. I see it started by injuries in the work place. Family members were seeing their doctors for torn rotators cuffs. Every month receiving around a hundred Percocet. One never really noticed how bad it is, until its in your face.
Oxycontin has a street value nearing a dollar a milligram. With the pills ranging from twenty to eighty milligrams, one little pill is quite a profit for a person. Street thugs are trading stolen LCD screens, pulling guns, and even robbing pharmacies for the synthetic heroin. The jails are full of fans of the substance, but rarely for that reason. I have heard stories of people consuming eight to ten of these pills a day. $800? Where are they finding that kind of money? Even a well to do person can support that habit for a little while. That is why real estate agents are stealing jewelry, thugs are steeling your televisions, and even robbing the local Walgreens Pharmacy. So what is the world doing to change this?
Walgreens pharmacy has acted on its behalf by installing time lock safes in all of its Washington state branches. It is their way of lowering their chances of being a target of the crime. People are installing security systems to prevent their own losses. What is law enforcement doing to keep the drug off the streets? The jails are full of people that drive on a suspended. The court rooms are full of the same. People in possession of Marijuana, even in the smallest quantities. I have never heard of somebody trying to rob another person to smoke another bowl. Maybe it is a more likely drug to have in possession, but not likely to bring harm. The courts offer differed sentences to these people if they take drug awareness classes, or enter a form of rehab, yet they do not bring harm to anyone.
So with Washington State the leader in violence based on the use of Oxycontin, why are the beat cops not being filtered to the drug enforcement sector? Why is it that the resources of Washington State are being spent on passive actions? Crimes of much more violence are being committed every day, because the State does little to prevent the procurement of, and consumption of prescription drugs.
It is my belief that the police force is not being directed that way, because it is not the will of the corporate entities. There is not enough money in busting drug dealers. What is the maximum fine for dealing a controlled substance? 5K-10K? The trickle down effect of one dealer could effect an entire community. It is not until the community is sick and tired of being targeted that the effort is placed on catching the supply.
If the the supply never hit the streets to begin with, the trickle never would have taken place. Allowing the substance to reach the capacity that it has provides a need for more agents. Makes citizens believe they need more police presence. More marked cars, more traffic stops, and more funding. Everything in the local judicial system has a monetary effect.
The city of Lynnwood, Washington recently made public a budget deficit forcing half time on jail-able offenses. Was that a scare tactic? Was the intention to convince the citizens of Lynnwood to approve a larger budget? Lynnwood has some of the best equipment in the area. With several spanking new Dodge Charger police cars, Harley Davidson motorcycles, several red light cameras, and letter recognition software for running plates in parking lots.
The police presence in Lynnwood is obvious. They are often obviously trolling grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and gas stations. Yet motel rooms are crawling with the sales of controlled substances. Dealers are meeting at bars and Casinos. The local parks are full of drugs and drunks.
Really, what it boils down to is one question. Why is it our tax money is being spent making sure the honest citizen stays honest, instead of being funneled to stop the influx of a much larger problem.
So in not so many words, or in other words, " Spend our money preventing real crime!"


Washington everett Barack Obama Obama Snohomish County criminal drugs police presence United States congress crime dangerous medical insurance new world order officer police budget stolen American freedoms Christopher Monfort Darwinism Julian Assange Oxycontin Police T-mobile collapse credit card drug everett ave first degree manslaughter freedoms government subsidies health care heroin immunity killed meth mexico money morals moto blur motorolla parenting prison rape reform school seattle sex shootings tactics war wikki leaks wilsons deli 10 Basic AIG Afghanistan America Arlan Hatloe Assassinated Balloon Bank of America Barack Bikini Baristas Boy Brenton California Capital punishment Chrysler Class sizes Colorado County D.C. Sniper Dodge Charger Police Cars Enumclaw FCC Falcon Firearm GMAC General Motors Gun safety Happy Horseman Harley Davidson Police Heene JP Morgan Chase James Tate Jeremy John Allen Muhammad Lake Stevens Lason Lee Boyd Malvo Lindsey Malvo Mayfield Muhammad NO I 1033 Nobel Nobel peace Nobel prize October 31st 2009 Percocet Police shooting Prostitution Redmond Rhonda Bremond Richard Rucker Rush Limbaugh S.M.A.R.T. Safety Rules Silver Lake Simpsons Snohomish South Park Tim Eyman Vicodin addiction adult industry alaskan way alfy's alternatives to bullets bailout banned bed bestiality blooded budget buy cartoon casino road cell children clark park cliq cold conspiracy coverage credit bill cuts days inn deadly force death debtors defaulted loans dies discussions disease dog fighting dogs die dope dress code driver effects employment epidemic espresso evil expelled fell fencing fines fool free free expression free speech gay adoption gay marriage gay rights government government mandated gps grand ave helium help honesty hookers how to wire a three way idiot interpol investigation involved jail jobs law enforcement legalized gambling light loan shark lost made in usa mandated methadone nascar needle sticks non leathal officer involved shooting oil opiates oxycodone parks pasties pay for sex peace phone pitt bulls police chase poverty level power prestigious award prize pro choice problem products property prostitute rights risk safety safeway salary caps schizophrenic serious sex with animals sexual retreat sharps shooter shooting side stands suicide superior court suppression tar tax payers taxes wasted teach children teen sexuality telephone theft three way switch topless barista town hall tracking trade transmission transportation two switches use used needles viaduct video view vigilante wa walking weed withdrawal world world power